Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fab 5 essay

As Justin Lyons tells one of his closest friends that, "Your mouth can get you farther then feet can" he means that the words that us as people choose to use gets us places sometime we wanna be and places we rather not . In this world talking is a big element that is rarely ever overlooked. This just shows me that there are things I could teach to others.If there was something I could teach someone it would be this very here qoute

Monday, November 1, 2010

Blo Vocab List #2

Acquiesce- To agree to; give in to

Bigot- narrow-minded prejudiced person

counterfeit: fake; false

Enfranchise: give voting rights

hamper: hinder; obstruct

kindle; to start a fire

Noxious; harmful; poisonous; lethal

placid; Calm;peaceful

remuneration ; payment for work done

talisman; lucky charm