Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fab 5 essay

As Justin Lyons tells one of his closest friends that, "Your mouth can get you farther then feet can" he means that the words that us as people choose to use gets us places sometime we wanna be and places we rather not . In this world talking is a big element that is rarely ever overlooked. This just shows me that there are things I could teach to others.If there was something I could teach someone it would be this very here qoute

Monday, November 1, 2010

Blo Vocab List #2

Acquiesce- To agree to; give in to

Bigot- narrow-minded prejudiced person

counterfeit: fake; false

Enfranchise: give voting rights

hamper: hinder; obstruct

kindle; to start a fire

Noxious; harmful; poisonous; lethal

placid; Calm;peaceful

remuneration ; payment for work done

talisman; lucky charm 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

sat word list

Abase-to humiliate,degrade (after being overthrown and abased the deposed leader offered to bow down to his conqueror

Abate- to reduce, lessen (The rain poured down for a while then abated)

Abdicate- to give up a position, usually one of leadership (when he realized that the revolutionaries would surely win, the king abdicated his throne)

abduct - to kidnap ,take by force (the evildoers abducted the fairy princess from her

Aberration something that differs from the norm (in 1918 ,the boston red sox won the world series but the success turned out to be an abberration, and the red sox have not a world series since)

Abet- to hate, detest (because he always wound up kicking himself in the head when he tried to play soccer, Oswald began to abhor to sport

Thursday, October 14, 2010

"sir Gawian And The Green Knight"The Heroic Journey

1. When Gawain set out on his journey. What was his goal? Did his goal change by the end of his quest?
When Gawain set out on his journey his goal was to commit and honor his word and bravery. His goal kind of did change by the end of his quest by going back on his word when it came to the green knights last blow.

2. Gawain had to face his fears in the abyss. What were his fears? His fear was dying because the thought of the green knight still surviving when he took his head off was on the back of his head and he was fearing death

3. The green knight only nicked the back of gawain's neck. what do you think would have happened to Gawain if he had not accepted the green girdle from the green knight's wife? I think he would had a better chance with the green knights respect if he didnt take it

4. what does Gawain learn about himself and about life from his encounter with the Green knight? He learns that he's like everyone else and he can face his fears like everybody else

5. As a result of Gawain journey. How does his community the brotherhood of the round table, benefit? they benefited from the very beginning when they didnt accept the green knights offer but they respected Gawain for making it through his journey

Gawain's Heroic Journey
the Call: To meet the end of his bargain and go meet the green knight 

The Threshold: Gawains threshold was his uncle king arthur because he had to turn Gawain into a knight before he could even take a blow at the green knights offer

The helpers/The Mentor: coincidently the helper and the mentor is the same person which happens to be the Green knight because he helped him through out his journey and taught him about his own fears in the same sense

The Challenges and temptations: A challenge he faced was the journey on his way to the green chapel because he faced cold severe nights and the temptation was the lord of the castle's wife because she was very flirtatious and tempting to touch as she made her self

The Abyss: Gawains Greatest challenge was when he was finally confronted by the green knight and unknowingly faced a fear when he flinched from the swing of the ax.

The Revelation: Gawains revelations were when getting out of the green knights challenge he realized that its ok to fear things and not to lie to himself when in those kinda situation and learning how to accept this new way of living

The gift and return: gawain made it through his journey and was able to come back and share the news with his uncle and the knights what his.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The pursuit of happiness

This film is about a father and son who face a lot of hardships through out their life and work together hand  in hand and keep love at the strongest strength while chris the father fail's to meet certain financial  standards and loses out on his wife he still manages to overcome his problems and make life better for his son little christopher.

1. What happens in Chris Gardner's life to make him and his son become homeless?
 what happened was chris made a big risky investment in this machine called a bone density scanner. Pretty much a portable x-ray and his machines didn't meet the sale expectations so he was stuck with rare sells and no other income besides his wife's up until she left.

2. did the events appear to you to be the result of someone's fault, poor decisions, or just a sequence of events ? I think it had a lot to do with poor decisions and a sequence of events that were taking place . For instance I think chris made a big mistake by investing in those machines with out knowing if they were going to be a good investment springing from that problem listing a series of events for him like chasing after people who were trying to steal his machines or worrying about getting them off (selling them) or even leaving his pockets short.

3. What would be different for Chris in this same situation if he didn't have his Christopher to care for? What would be most different for Christ in this situation would most definitely be his sanity. I think he didn't have his son he would of entered a whole other series of events like more physical altercations. For example all of the stress building with rent and finance itself he would of probably been in a fight or two  

4.what would be different for Chris and his son in this same situation if they became homeless in Chicago? they would face way more colder nights and the harsh reality of the urban city.

5. What appears to be the most difficult aspect for chris and his son as they use emergency shelters? I Think the most difficult aspect for Chris and his son would be probably be time. Like for instance him running and trying to catch the bus just to make it to the shelter early

6. What do you think keeps chris going when he hits bottom in the despair of his situation? I most definitely think chris's son keeps him going when he hits rock bottom.

7. what do you think would have happened to chris and his son if he had if he had not been the intern selected for the job. I think he would of been looking for work else where