Thursday, October 14, 2010

"sir Gawian And The Green Knight"The Heroic Journey

1. When Gawain set out on his journey. What was his goal? Did his goal change by the end of his quest?
When Gawain set out on his journey his goal was to commit and honor his word and bravery. His goal kind of did change by the end of his quest by going back on his word when it came to the green knights last blow.

2. Gawain had to face his fears in the abyss. What were his fears? His fear was dying because the thought of the green knight still surviving when he took his head off was on the back of his head and he was fearing death

3. The green knight only nicked the back of gawain's neck. what do you think would have happened to Gawain if he had not accepted the green girdle from the green knight's wife? I think he would had a better chance with the green knights respect if he didnt take it

4. what does Gawain learn about himself and about life from his encounter with the Green knight? He learns that he's like everyone else and he can face his fears like everybody else

5. As a result of Gawain journey. How does his community the brotherhood of the round table, benefit? they benefited from the very beginning when they didnt accept the green knights offer but they respected Gawain for making it through his journey

Gawain's Heroic Journey
the Call: To meet the end of his bargain and go meet the green knight 

The Threshold: Gawains threshold was his uncle king arthur because he had to turn Gawain into a knight before he could even take a blow at the green knights offer

The helpers/The Mentor: coincidently the helper and the mentor is the same person which happens to be the Green knight because he helped him through out his journey and taught him about his own fears in the same sense

The Challenges and temptations: A challenge he faced was the journey on his way to the green chapel because he faced cold severe nights and the temptation was the lord of the castle's wife because she was very flirtatious and tempting to touch as she made her self

The Abyss: Gawains Greatest challenge was when he was finally confronted by the green knight and unknowingly faced a fear when he flinched from the swing of the ax.

The Revelation: Gawains revelations were when getting out of the green knights challenge he realized that its ok to fear things and not to lie to himself when in those kinda situation and learning how to accept this new way of living

The gift and return: gawain made it through his journey and was able to come back and share the news with his uncle and the knights what his.

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