Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The pursuit of happiness

This film is about a father and son who face a lot of hardships through out their life and work together hand  in hand and keep love at the strongest strength while chris the father fail's to meet certain financial  standards and loses out on his wife he still manages to overcome his problems and make life better for his son little christopher.

1. What happens in Chris Gardner's life to make him and his son become homeless?
 what happened was chris made a big risky investment in this machine called a bone density scanner. Pretty much a portable x-ray and his machines didn't meet the sale expectations so he was stuck with rare sells and no other income besides his wife's up until she left.

2. did the events appear to you to be the result of someone's fault, poor decisions, or just a sequence of events ? I think it had a lot to do with poor decisions and a sequence of events that were taking place . For instance I think chris made a big mistake by investing in those machines with out knowing if they were going to be a good investment springing from that problem listing a series of events for him like chasing after people who were trying to steal his machines or worrying about getting them off (selling them) or even leaving his pockets short.

3. What would be different for Chris in this same situation if he didn't have his Christopher to care for? What would be most different for Christ in this situation would most definitely be his sanity. I think he didn't have his son he would of entered a whole other series of events like more physical altercations. For example all of the stress building with rent and finance itself he would of probably been in a fight or two  

4.what would be different for Chris and his son in this same situation if they became homeless in Chicago? they would face way more colder nights and the harsh reality of the urban city.

5. What appears to be the most difficult aspect for chris and his son as they use emergency shelters? I Think the most difficult aspect for Chris and his son would be probably be time. Like for instance him running and trying to catch the bus just to make it to the shelter early

6. What do you think keeps chris going when he hits bottom in the despair of his situation? I most definitely think chris's son keeps him going when he hits rock bottom.

7. what do you think would have happened to chris and his son if he had if he had not been the intern selected for the job. I think he would of been looking for work else where

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